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Showing posts from 2019

11 Personal Branding Examples For Personal Branding Tips & Inspiration

Are you looking for creative personal branding examples of successful people who have spent years creating a personal brand so you can cut short your learning curve? Building a personal brand takes time and effort, but in 2019, learning how to brand yourself has become a necessity. This is not only because trust is at an all-time low among customers online, but because it is actually one of the ranking factors in Google’s E.A.T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) or medic update . When you have a personal brand, you’re more likely to rank higher, not just on Google, but also in the eyes of your customers and clients. In fact, personal branding is so important, I decided to create a Free Personal Branding Email Course so I can provide personal branding training with a step-by-step road map to help my readers go from no digital footprint to a well-established online presence. When you subscribe to this course, you’ll also get my eBook, Be The Expert , and

Renewable Energy Is Taking Over. Here’s How You Can Help

Many people have started investing in renewable energy development and it is seen as the greatest investment of the 21st century.  Renewable energy is a big market and many big investors are interested in getting a large slice of the pie and helping the environment at the same time. Big investors include Richard Branson who is investing $3 billion in order for scientists to find renewable energy sources that will help the world stop using fossil fuels. It is actually pretty easy to find out how to build a windmill or a DIY evacuated tube solar water heater because they are very simple projects and you can find a lot of information about them online.  Read the rest of this article here:  Renewable Energy Is Taking Over. Here’s How You Can Help

Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages

Perhaps the greatest argument that could be levelled against the use of fossil and nuclear fuel is our dependence on it. Global warming, though a real serious threat, maybe something that we could only be very worried about. Singly nothing much could be done about it as it will take serious political will if it is to be addressed effectively and for now, some countries are not cooperating. But choosing between traditional and alternative sources of energy is something most of us can choose to do, especially where it concerns off-grid use of residential solar energy systems . The Advantages Of Solar Energy Solar energy is abundant and is free. We can count the sun to rise tomorrow and the day after that. Oil and natural gas, on the other hand, are non-renewable, and once the source taps out, it is gone forever. Solar energy does not pollute the air. If anything, the heat from the sun cleans the environment and maintains the natural balance. Not so with oil

A Short History Of Solar Energy

Planning to go off-the-grid with a residential  solar energy system  in your home? To fully understand more about solar and  renewable energy , and what the future holds for it, it’s good to learn more about the history of solar energy. This article delves deeper into solar energy’s fascinating history. Solar Energy Down The Ages One of the more common and more popular roles that the sun, or solar energy played during those ancient times is that of a force able to sustain life based on its ability to provide an endless source of energy. This is probably the reason why people of those times, especially in native South and North America, as well as in other parts of the world, worshipped the Sun. The a ncient Greeks built temples devoted to worshipping their sun deities, namely, Helio and Apollo. Also, the Greek’s use of solar energy was not limited to religious purposes, as they even used solar energy systems to incorporate passive solar design in the

Why Having A Vision As An Entrepreneur Can Help You Succeed Against All Odds

“The Eagle has landed.” Those were the immortal words that Neil Armstrong spoke when he landed the lunar module on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC. I was born in 1970, into a world where humans had already landed on the moon. So I never saw the moon landing till years later, when they replayed parts of it on television and I was old enough to understand what it meant. Then, I watched the movie, First Man , in which Ryan Gosling stars as Neil Armstrong . This Steven Spielberg-produced movie spans eight years from Armstrong's early work as a naval aviator and test pilot leading up to the historic Apollo 11 mission. As a sci-fi junkie and movie buff, I loved the movie, and there were a few things that became apparent as it played. The first was that space travel is pretty darn dangerous, as anyone who witnessed the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster will know. What very few of us (who were born after the moon landing), know is that in the

5 Ways Writers Can Use LinkedIn To Get More Clients And Writing Gigs

LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful places for professionals in any field to find new clients. One of the best ways a writer can use their existing LinkedIn network is to find writing gigs. But before you set out to do that, ensure that you’ve created a  LinkedIn profile that will attract the right clients . Here are 5 ways to use LinkedIn to attract more clients. 1. Ask Your Current Contacts for Introductions Most writers have no problem asking their friends in real life for contacts or introductions for their business but forget about asking their online connections for the same introductions. But the very nature of LinkedIn makes it easy to get introduced to the right people. To take advantage of the potential leads you can gain from your current contacts, send them a message explaining your business and ask if they know of anyone that would be interested in what you are selling. 2. Search For People and Gain Introductions Conduct an advan

7 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website And Prevent It From Getting Hacked

Worried that your WordPress website will get hacked? There are many ways to secure your website and prevent hackers from gaining access to it. Here are 7 of them. 1.      Backdoors Understand how back doors open up to allow a hacker into your website is crucial. This way, you can protect yourself and have a plan to implement to start the process. 2.      WordPress Hosting Your web hosting plays a crucial part in your WordPress site security. You should how you can use that to your advantage. Some web hosting companies have done an excellent job of protecting their clients' websites. 3.      Protect WP-Admin One of the many lines of defence is to protect your WordPress admin login page. The reason why you want to do this is simply that the way people often get into your site is by trying to brute force their way into your login page. By brute force, I mean computers and or hackers will try and guess what your password is and your username is.

4 Jobs That Help You Earn Money Online From Home Without Investment

With the growing reach of the internet more Indians are looking for work from home jobs in India . There are many more job portals and boards where Indians can get online jobs without investment and registration fees.   There are plenty of reasons for Indian women to work at home. Whether it involves spending more time with their kids, enjoying greater flexibility in their work schedule or avoiding from office politics, getting started is the tricky part. There are many companies that hire employees for online jobs in India without investment. Since numerous real work-at-home job opportunities are available on the internet, you can search for and select the most suitable job for you. By selecting a real work at home job you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working at home and at convenient times for you. You can work as a freelancer or you can join as a part-time employee of a company. Although there are quite a few legitimate work-at-home opportuniti