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How To Assist the Universe In Manifesting Your Desires


Are the principles of manifesting not working for you? Here’s how to assist the Universe in manifesting your desires.

Even though we sometimes feel like we understand all the concepts of manifesting, it just doesn’t seem to be working. You think understand the principles of manifesting but you cannot explain why these things are not coming to you.

You believe that we create our reality. You understand the Law of Attraction as taught by Abraham-Hicks, and believe that what we think about we attract into our experience.

You know the principles of manifesting, but you still can’t explain why these things aren’t coming to you.

What’s stopping you from manifesting your desires?

You believe that we create our reality with thoughts and feelings — so if you think positively then more good stuff will show up in your life? 

You’ve even been practicing these principles when you remember to. When you think about it, you repeat affirmations such as:

My perfect relationship is available and I deserve to have it. My income level is constantly increasing. 

So why is your ideal relationship or income not what you’re experiencing? Perhaps you’re stuck in a victim mindset blaming your parents for instilling some limiting belief that money is bad or that there is something spiritual about suffering.

It really doesn’t matter where some of your beliefs come from or how many of them you have. There is a way around this. You need to focus on the beliefs that do serve you better such as:

The Universe is full of abundance. The Universe wants to bring my desires to me.

You may be feeling unworthy. If you don’t think that you deserve to be happy and successful, how can you possibly create that in your life? Remember again that Abraham-Hicks says all things are possible.

Taking inspired action

So now you believe that it IS possible to have all you desire. And, you are now feeling worthy. You feel like you have done your part and now you are just waiting for the Universe to fulfill those desires.

There is another little piece here that could perhaps be the missing link. Take action. But wait a minute here you say. I thought that I just have to ask and know that the Universe will supply, and presto! it appears. Let’s see how taking action can assist in this process.

When you take action, inspired action in the direction of your desire, you are showing the Universe that you are serious. It also facilitates the process because you have focused your attention on your action instead of your waiting.

This action need not be huge earth-shattering. It can come from feelings of inspiration, intuition, or even synchronicity.

One very important thing to keep in mind when you do take action: be sure to feel good about it, about yourself, and what you want beforehand. Now you know how to assist the Universe in fulfilling your dreams.

Yes, you can have anything your heart desires through applying the Law of Attraction. However, the key is to really be in touch with your Higher Self in order for your true heart’s desire to manifest for you on a conscious level.

If a desire comes to you that is primarily revealed only through your personal ego — your lower self — without actual guidance from your Higher Self, then this desire has a lesser chance of manifesting.

How then do you tap into that part of you which is in touch with your Higher Self? As Abraham-Hicks tells us, the key is meditation. By stilling the body and the mind and allowing your Higher consciousness to flow through you, guide and direct your true desires.

How to manifest what you truly want in life

Turning your energies inward and shutting off outside distractions allows you to focus your attention on your Higher consciousness which resides at the center of your mind.

Now, once you are in touch and aligned with your true heart’s desire as revealed by your Higher Self, you can apply various manifestation concepts to nourish your desire and bring it to fruition.

You can use meditation techniques in order to manifest your heart’s desire, such as the one below:

·       First, calm your body and your mind by sitting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, and turn your attention inward, and focusing on your third eye between your eyebrows.

·       Take 3 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Next, breathe in through your nose and exhale through your nose and focus on your breath.

·       Do this 3 times. Now that your body and mind are relaxed, you can begin to visualize your desire as it is revealed to you.

Once you have experienced what you feel is a true desire, then you can begin to visualize this desire in great detail already fulfilled in your mind’s eye.

Create a mental movie of this desire in as much detail as possible. Use all your senses to see, hear, touch, taste, and above all, feel, the end result in your mind’s eye.

Capture the feeling state associated with your desire. Would you feel strong, powerful, love, peaceful, joy, having achieved your desire? The feeling state linked to the visualization fuels the flame to manifest your desire.

Practice these manifesting techniques on a regular basis and make miracles happen in your life. For more inspiration, read these Abraham Hicks motivational quotes to rekindle your passion for greatness.


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