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15 Steps To Achieve Your Career Goals


Learn 15 steps to achieve your career goals so you can decide which career or job suits you and systematically work towards it.

Do you know what you want to do with your life? A lot of students don’t have a clue about their future career paths. This article is for students who are looking for advice on how to set career goals.

One of the most important things you can do for your future as a student is to set career goals. By taking the time to identify what you want and working towards achieving it, you’ll be more likely to find success in whatever path you choose.

The best way to answer the question, “Which job suits me?” is to do a free career test to find out what career is best for you. When you do a personality test to determine career interests and aptitudes, it will help you get clear on which job suits you best.

In this free job aptitude test, you’ll learn about the core strengths and weaknesses in your work personality, learn what drives your actions, your leadership and management style, your work values inventory, and specific careers that fit you.

Here are a few tips on how to set effective career goals and achieve them. First, start by thinking about what you want out of your career. Figure out what type of job you want to do.

Do you want to work with people or animals? What are your passions? What skills do you want to use? What kind of job or lifestyle will help you live your life to the fullest?

Career goal setting involves recording clear objectives and the actions required to achieve them. The main reason people do not achieve goals is that they do not set any objectives.

Once you have a career interest inventory for students and have found the dream job for you, narrow down your career path to specific goals. Be realistic in setting your goals — don’t aim too high or too low. Make sure they’re attainable and challenging enough.

How can you achieve your career goals? Learn how to record clear goals with these 15 steps to focus your efforts and maximize your goal achievement.

#1. Define your goals clearly in writing

A common tip for people who are trying to accomplish any goal is to write down the goal in writing.

Writing down your goals increases the likelihood of achieving your chosen goals by at least 75%. It increases your sense of commitment, clarifies the required steps in the achievement process, and helps you remember important details.

#2. Identify and focus on the benefits

Identify and focus on the benefits of achieving your goals for you as well as others. This is a strong and important motivator and will help you stay committed when things are not going your way.

#3. Define the purpose of your goals

Link your goals to a practical, specific purpose. To boost your own motivation, base your goals on inspiration, not just on simple logic. This will help you take inspired action and get in alignment with your goals.

#4. Identify your supportive forces

Examples of supportive forces include instructors, books, training people who encourage you to persevere, skilled coaches or mentors, and printed as well as online research materials.

#5. Establish sub-goals

Develop an action plan, set deadlines, and act. Divide each main goal into logical progressive steps. Set deadlines for completing each step, and complete the steps on time.

#6. Establish priorities

When it comes to taking action, it’s important to prioritize. Put simply, taking action in order of priority means focusing on the tasks that are most important and putting them at the top of your list.

Take a few moments to consider what needs to be done and then put together a plan of action. Once you’ve got a clear idea of what needs to be done, you can start taking action.

#7. Make a public commitment

There’s something about publicly committing to something that makes it more real and achievable. The key to success lies in accountability.

Commit to your personal or professional development and tell someone about your commitment. If appropriate, share your goals with someone who encourages you to go the extra mile. This will increase your sense of responsibility.

While your friends and family might know you well and help you stay on track, making it a visible goal for all to see is a great way to hold yourself accountable, support yourself, and get recognition for your progress.

#8. Be realistic about your limitations

Do not set a short-term goal to get a job requiring more education. Set a separate goal to get an education, take an interim job, and then reach your ultimate goal. This makes each goal more doable and less overwhelming.

#9. Use positive self-talk and affirmation statements

Do this each and every day or as often as humanly possible. Write down your statements and post them prominently in your bedroom, on your fridge and so that you can see them in the mirror in your car.

#10. Use positive visualization

Using positive visualization can help you achieve your goals. First, you can use it as a motivational tool, to get you to work harder on your goals.

Second, you can use it as a way to visualize each step in the process of obtaining your goal. Third, you can use it to help you learn and practice new skills.

These are just a few ways that you can use positive visualization to improve your life and boost your goal achievement.

#11. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Becoming competent and successful at anything requires a love of learning and the practice to hone your skills.

Learn and practice new skills regularly. Get additional information, training, coaching, and feedback on your progress.

#12. Evaluate and revise goals as necessary

Evaluate your ongoing progress. Experiment from time to time with new methods especially if you are not getting the results you want.

But most importantly remember to be patient. Rome was not built in a day. However, if necessary, you may want to revise your goals.

#13. Persevere

The path to success is not always clear. Many people are frustrated and discouraged as they work towards their goals and don’t see instant results. Don’t give up on your dreams. Stay the course until you succeed.

#14. Reward yourself

Rewards are excellent motivators. As you make progress toward your goals, do something nice for yourself that you enjoy. It will give you the mental boost that you need to continue your journey.

#15. Record progress on your goals

As simplistic as it seems, a long series of check marks on a calendar or a wall chart may actually, motivate you by providing a vital sense of accomplishment.

Do not let missing an occasional daily goal deter you, however. Keep focusing on your ultimate chosen goals. Remember that your career goals are important to you and your success.

By doing a free career interest inventory for students, recording clear goals, and following the steps outlined above, you will be able to focus your hard-won efforts and maximize your career success.


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