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7 Ways Freelance Writers Can Use LinkedIn To Land More Writing Gigs


Looking for more freelance writing clients? These tips will help you land more freelance writing gigs on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful places for professionals in any field to find new clients. It’s a great way to connect with potential clients and make connections in your industry.

If you have a web content writing business and want more clients, one of the best ways you can use their existing LinkedIn network is to find writing gigs.

But before you set out to do that, you need to ensure that you’ve created a LinkedIn profile that will attract the right clients. Here are some ways to use LinkedIn to attract more clients for your freelance writing business:

#1. Complete your LinkedIn profile

Did you know that LinkedIn users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn? Having a LinkedIn All-Star profile helps get you found and can be done by completing seven components of your profile.

·       Profile Picture

·       Experience

·       Skills

·       Summary

·       Industry & Location

·       Education

·       Connections

So create a strong LinkedIn profile that showcases your skills and experience. Showcase your writing skills and experience on your profile.

You can do a skills test, display your freelance writing certifications and even do a course on LinkedIn Learning. Use the "Skills & Endorsements" section of your profile to showcase your writing skills and experience.

#2. Ask your current contacts for introductions

Most writers have no problem asking their friends in real life for contacts or introductions for their business but often forget about asking their online connections for the same introductions.

But the very nature of LinkedIn makes it easy to get introduced to the right people.

To take advantage of the potential leads you can gain from your current contacts, send them a message explaining your business and ask if they know of anyone that would be interested in what you are selling.

#3. Search for people and gain introductions

Conduct an advanced search to find people on the site that you would like to be introduced to, and then figure out if there is anyone in your current network that can introduce you to them.

For this strategy to work, you must have a clear idea of who your target audience is and the right keywords to search for the right people.

#4. Publish a newsletter on LinkedIn

LinkedIn allows you to publish, and republish content as long-form posts in the form of a newsletter. When you publish articles on LinkedIn Pulse, you share your expertise with a wider audience.

In fact, whenever I publish my BlogBrandz newsletter on my LinkedIn profile, I see an uptick in people who engage with, like, and comment on my posts.

While this strategy might not provide you with the largest audience, it does have the power to give you a targeted audience of prospects and influencers in your industry.

Not only will your post be shared with your contacts and followers, but will also be able to find your content via a search on LinkedIn or search engines.

#5. Use LinkedIn Groups to build your network

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals in your field, including editors, agents, and publishers. You can join freelance writer groups on LinkedIn and exchange tips, advice, and job leads.

Join relevant groups on LinkedIn where your potential clients may be present and participate in discussions to build your network. Share your LinkedIn posts to demonstrate your writing skills and subject matter expertise.

#6. Engage with visitors to your profile

As you become more active on LinkedIn, you’ll find more people visiting your profile. You should be checking your profile on a regular basis to see who has viewed it and reach out to them and try to connect.

At the very least you need to be communicating with those people who are relevant to your industry and who fall in line with your target audience.

#7. Sign up for writing jobs alerts

Use the LinkedIn job search feature to find freelance writing opportunities. You can use LinkedIn to search and apply for job opportunities posted by companies and recruiters, based on a keyword, title, or location.

If you’re actively looking for writing jobs or gigs, you can search for new jobs on LinkedIn or sign up for LinkedIn’s Job Alerts to receive email alerts for new jobs posted on LinkedIn that match your search criteria.

LinkedIn’s Easy Apply function makes it quick and simple to apply for jobs with a few clicks. If you don't want to apply for a job immediately, you can save it by clicking "Save" above the job description and coming back to it later.

Consider purchasing a LinkedIn Premium account so you can connect to more potential clients and send InMail. These are just some of the ways your business can start to get more clients and find writing gigs through LinkedIn.

Stay up-to-date on all the latest LinkedIn features and tools so you can leverage this professional networking platform to grow your freelance writing business.


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