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4 Powerful Women Leaders Who Changed the World

'Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.’ ~ Oprah Winfrey

All women leaders have had to overcome challenges to reach their goals. Just like coal under pressure turns into a diamond, these challenges reshape and transform them into amazing role models. Let us learn more about some powerful women leaders, who shaped the world for what it is today.

1.     Angela Merkel

Each year, Angela Merkel tops the list of most powerful women. And not many could compete with the 60-year old German leader when it comes to political experience.

A former research scientist with a doctorate in physical chemistry, Merkel has clinched her third four-year term as German Chancellor thanks to her proactive role in governing her country. This makes her the longest-serving elected EU head of state.

She has a fierce stance against Russia on Ukraine, this being only one of the demonstrations of her political will. She also provided military assistance to Kurds in order to counter ISIS. Merkel is not just influential; she is one of the people who shape the world’s political landscape.

2.     Oprah Winfrey

A socially impactful media executive, philanthropist, motivational author, speaker, and talk show host, she is a household name for Americans, as well as the rest of the world. 

In fact, she was considered the richest African-American woman of the 20th century.

A multibillionaire philanthropist and one of the most powerful women in the world, she is a highly influential personality, who works for the people through different channels. Even Barrack Obama thought of her as ‘may be the most influential woman in the country’.

3.     Greta Thunberg

She is only sixteen, and the first to initiate a youth-led climate strike in August 2018 outside the Parliament building in Sweden. That year, Europe broke all records of environmental crises with extreme heatwaves and forest fires breaking in Sweden.

Greta, who has Asperger’s Syndrome and depression began the strike, and after a short while, other people joined her too. She also gave a speech at the People’s Climate March Rally in Sweden and said in an interview that she will not stop fighting for what she is passionate about.

Currently, she is leading a global climate strike in 150 countries, which is being covered in every TV channel and social media.

4.     Michelle Obama

The wife of beloved American President, Barrack Obama, and the only African-American ‘First Lady’ of the United States, Michelle Obama happens to be one of the most powerful women leaders in the world.

She is currently dedicated to empowering America’s youth by improving the educational opportunities available to them. She also created quite a stir, when she refused to run for the Presidential election campaign, as many speculated.

When we think about powerful women leaders, the names of Janet Yellen, Mary Barra, Hillary Clinton and others also pop up in our minds, as we remember their outstanding contributions to society at large.

Some may have achieved their goals; some of them may have failed to reach their targets. But, one thing that is common in all of them is their invincible spirit, which is a true source of inspiration to many.

Learn how to be a charismatic female leader. Download 2 eBooks - Women In Leadership & Your Charisma Quotient - in the Free Leadership Lessons Course. Get Women in Leadership: How To Become A Charismatic Female Leader, free on Kindle.


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