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5 Useful Job Interview Tips To Create A Great First Impression

Cracking a job interview in the first attempt is the dream of any job seeker. However, the chance of getting hired for your dream job depends on a lot of factors.

Your credibility as the right candidate for the job is reflected in having a professionally-written resume, confident body language, and your individual skills and achievements.

So, how can you create an impression that stays with your interviewer long after you’ve exited the room? In this post, you’ll learn 5 effective job interview tips to help you stand out among other candidates.

1.     Do your homework

In the digital age, it’s easy for you to seek information on the company you’re going to attend the interview at. The more you know about your employer, the better you’ll be able to answer all the tricky questions that your hiring manager will shoot at you.

In fact, you’ll also be able to ask some questions yourself, which will not only impress the recruiting personnel but also the employer, if they are part of the hiring team.

It’s a good idea to research the company, and your potential employers, before attending your job interview.

2.     Dress appropriately

Almost all interviews are based on an age-old tradition i.e. first impressions are the lasting ones. Dress appropriately for your interviews and be mindful not to go over the top with the clothes you wear.

Put on a formal outfit and spray on a mild deodorant before you go for your interview. If you’re wearing trousers, make sure you wear the right shoes to look sharp and professional.

Find out if your potential employer has an interview dress code and dress to match it.

3.     Mind your body language & behaviour

Body language is an important part of how you will be judged and most interviewers will size you up in seconds using non-verbal cues, such as your body language and micro-expressions.

Hiring managers like positivity and enthusiasm in a job candidate. But you should refrain from being chatty or sounding over-eager in an interview. Let the employer or recruiting professional speak first and smile as you listen intently.

Speak only when asked to do so and never interrupt the recruiter during their speech. Learn about the job interview mistakes you may be making and how to fix them.

In the Leadership Lessons course, you’ll get eBooks on body language and micro-expressions so you can learn how to project a more confident image.

4.     Always be punctual

You’ve got to stay ahead of the clock when it comes to an interview. Being late for an interview is disrespectful and shows how little you actually care about getting the job.

Few recruiters will entertain a candidate after the specified time, no matter how much traffic there was, or how sick the candidate is. If you’re unable to make it for some reason, call in advance and let them know.

One of the most useful job interview tips you can follow is to arrive at the venue before the time allotted to you.

5.     Build an authentic connection

Your interviewer can be anyone - a recruiting manager or even the CEO of the firm. Build an authentic connection with them during the interview process.

Be confident, ask questions politely, and answer the ones asked with as much accuracy as you can muster.

If you can give them the idea that you’re knowledgeable in your own field, they’ll be more likely to choose you over others.

Follow these job interview tips and subscribe to our Free Job Interview Email Course to learn secret interview strategies that only elite job applicants know about.

Download a Free eBook on How To Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile to optimize your LinkedIn profile and leverage your LinkedIn connections to find your dream job.


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